Pascal Case Converter

Promptly change Pascal Case text to Snake Case, Kebab Case, or Camel Case

Select a tab to change your Pascal Case text.

To make new pascal case text, use the homepage case converter. Check out the Snake Case Converter, or the Camel Case Converter for other conversion options.

Pascal Case to Snake Case Converter:

Pascal Case Text:
Snake Case Text:

Switching from Pascal case to Snake case is made easy with the above converter. Enter your Pascal case text in the "Pascal Case Text" textarea, click the "Convert to Snake Case", and your converted text will appear in the "Snake Case Text" textarea.

For Example:
"PascalCase" becomes: "pascal_case"

Pascal Case to Kebab Case Converter:

Pascal Case Text:
Kebab Case Text:

This text converter will promptly change Pascal case text to Kebab case. This converter searches the text entered in the "Pascal Case Text" box, and lowercases capital letters and adds a dash, converting the text to Kebab case.

For Example:
"PascalCase" becomes: "pascal-case"

Pascal Case to Camel Case Converter:

Pascal Case Text:
Camel Case Text:

To generate Camel case text from Pascal case text, enter your Pascal text in the "Pascal Case Text" area, then click the "Convert to Camel Case" button, and your new text will show up in the "Camel Case Text" box.

For Example:
"PascalCase" becomes: "pascalCase"